In this fifth and last book of the Galactic Treasure Hunt series, the adventures of Jake, Scott, and Nojo continue, only this time Nojo is missing. Jake and Scott travel back to the lost universe to rescue Nojo all on their own. Their journey is epic and dangerous. They must battle wicked beasts and evil warlords before finding what they are seeking. --- This final book in the Galactic Treasure Hunt series is a treacherous journey in a universe of bravery and battles. "Galactic Treasure Hunt - Lost Fortress of Light” is a chapter book written by two dads that have lots of experience reading to their own kids and writing for young grade school readers. The Galactic Treasure Hunt's extensive pictures and short chapters make it perfect for parents to read to younger kids (recommended for reading to 5 through 7 year olds). The straight forward reading style makes it an easy read by kids in the second through fifth grades. Although it is intended for children, the story and action will capture the imagination of everyone who has ever dreamed of doing great deeds and battling evil. ---- Both the author and the illustrator work for Boeing designing spacecraft and aircraft, so the story is full of rich detail and makes blasting into adventure with an alien seem very believable. The book is 230 pages with short four to six page chapters and has illustrations on almost every page. More than 200 illustrations make it a great book for reading to younger children. Many aspects of the Galactic Treasure Hunt are based on real science, so at the end of the book is a discussion section called "Real or Fiction” where the author discusses the science behind the story. To top it all off there is a special alien alphabet decoder in the back of the book and clues written in the alien alphabet at the beginning of each chapter. The Galactic Treasure Hunt series has gotten rave reviews and should not be missed.
ArbetstitelGalactic Treasure Hunt #5 : Lost Fortress of Light
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Publiceringsdatum2010-10-15 00:00:00
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