Bokis - Flygstaden
Kundvägen 2, Halmstad
10-18 10-18 10-18 10-18 10-18 10-16 11-15
01/01, Stängt 06/01, 11-14 25/02, 09.30-18 18/04, 11-15 21/04, 11-15 01/05, Stängt 25/05, 11-14 (Mors Dag) 29/05, 11-15 06/06, Stängt 21/06, 11-13 22/06, Stängt 23/06, 11-14 01/11, 11-15 22/12, 10-16 23/12, 10-18:30 24/12, 10-13 25/12, Stängt 26/12, 11-14 31/12, 11-14
From the author of the National Book Award finalist The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks comes the story of the kids of a distinguished family whose friendship turns toxic because of a generations-old secret.