Famous b-24 "witchcraft" - the enchanted liberatoraa unique u.s. bombers exPerry Watts 849 kr Mer infoKöp
Knights cross holders of the fallschirmjager - hitlers elite parachute forcJeremy Dixon 869 kr Mer infoKöp
Yankee air pirates - u.s. air force uniforms and memorabilia of the vietnamFrancois Millard 1.719 kr Mer infoKöp
Days of perfect hell - the u.s. 26th infantry regiment in the meuse-argonnePeterL. Belmonte 589 kr Mer infoKöp
Training the right stuff - the aircraft that produced americas jet pilotsTommyH. Thomason & Jack Morris 1.339 kr Mer infoKöp
Privateers of the revolution - war on the new jersey coast, 1775-1783DonaldGrady Shomette 679 kr Mer infoKöp
Last ride of the valkyries - the rise & fall of the wehrmachthelferinnenkorLtc(retired)JimmyL. Pool 1.695 kr Mer infoKöp
American breechloading mobile artillery 1875-1953 - an illustrated identifiGlenM. Williford 969 kr Mer infoKöp
Waffen-ss camouflage uniforms - m44 drill uniforms fallschirmjager uniformsLorenzo Silvestri & MichaelI. Davis 1.795 kr Mer infoKöp
23rd waffen ss volunteer panzer grenadier division nederland - an illustratMassimiliano Afiero 779 kr Mer infoKöp
Matterhorn - the operational history of the us xx bomber command from indiaTerryM. Mays 1.339 kr Mer infoKöp