The book demonstrates a new way of thinking about power and well-being. It is about reclaiming the power that you already have within you. It is about mindset being everything and the source of true power and well-being. It is about taking possession of your mind and your thinking pattern to create the life that you want. It is about becoming a creator and not a victim.
The book provides you with philosophical insights and wisdom to understand how your mind works, to take possession of your thinking pattern and how you can live in abundance.
You will get access to seven keys how to shift your mind and change your thinking pattern to become more powerful, more conscious and change your reality - to live in abundance. You will ultimately make yourself great again.
The uniqueness of this book lies in the scientific approach used to summarize vital philosophy and huge volumes of scattered wisdom - based on a holistic perspective to transform life.
This is your opportunity to reclaim your inner power to get freedom, happiness, well-being and abundance.
Become a better version of yourself and increase humanity!
Sarah Wamala Andersson is a public health scientist trained in four continents. She has served as a top executive in health systems, as a scientist in pharmaceutical industry and as a university professor of health policy and leadership. Sarah has completed the Stanford Executive Program.
Sarah´s mission is to inspire other people to discover their inner power and live an abundant life, and not to be held back by circumstances or disempowering beliefs.
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ArbetstitelShift Your Mind and Make Yourself Great Again
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Publiceringsdatum2018-10-18 00:00:00
FörfattareSarah WamalaAndersson
Kort BeskrivningBoken visar en ett nytt sätt att tänka kring makten. Det handlar om mindset - i allting vi gör och hur vi lever. Mindset är en källa till den sanna makten!
Boken ger dig sju nycklar hur du kan skifta ditt sinne, ändra dina tankar för att får mer makt, bli mer medveten, ta kontroll över ditt liv, och uppnå önskade resultat. Ta denna möjlighet att återkräva din inre kraft för att få frihet, livsglädje och välbefinnande. Bli en bättre version av dig själv!