Young & creative : digital technologies empowering children in everyday life
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Young & creative : digital technologies empowering children in everyday life

299kr / st.
This book "YOUNG & CREATIVE - Digital Technologies Empowering Children in Everyday Life" aims to catch different examples where children and youth have been active and creative by their own initiative, driven by intrinsic motivation, personal interests and peer relations. We want to show the opportunities of digital technologies for creative processes of children and young people. The access to digital technology and its growing convergence has allowed young people to experiment active roles as cultural producers. Paticipation becomes a keyword when "consumers take media into their own hands". digital technologies offer the petential of diferent forms of participatory media culture, and fanally creative practices.
YOUNG and CREATIVE is a mix of research articles, interviews and case studies. The target audience of this book is students, professions and researchers working in the field of education, communication, children and youth studies, new literacy studies and media information literacy.
Ilana eleá, PhD in Education from PUC-Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, is former scientific coordinator at The International Clearinghouse on Children, Youth and Media, Nordicom, Sweden.
Lothar Mikos, Professor of Television Studies, Department of Media Studies, Filmuniversität Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF, Potsdam, Germany, and Honorary Professor at University of International Business and Economy, Beijing, China.
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